Table of Contents
Install a Theme Using WordPress Admin Theme Search #
To start, log into your WordPress website and go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress dashboard and click Add New. Into the ‘Search themes…’ field, Type “Joblook” .
When you see the Super Job theme, simply hover your mouse over the theme’s image. This will reveal the Install, Preview, and ‘Details & Preview’ buttons.
Go ahead and click on the ‘Install’ button. WordPress will now install your theme.
Plugins Required for the theme #
After theme installation, you’ll see a notification with recommended plugins that you should install if you want to get full functionality of a theme. Go to Appearance/Install Plugins and you will see the list of plugins you need to install.
Plugins required and recommended for the theme #
- WP Job Manager
- Elementor
- WP Job Manager – Job Type Colors
- Regions for WP Job Manager
- One Click Demo Import
- Themes Artist Demo Importer